Príslušenstvo FC 280

Shows 20 product(s)


VLT® Pamäťový modul MCM102

Pamäťový modul MCM102
-vyberateľný, možno programovať priamo z PC pomocou programátora
-slúžia k uloženiu nastavení meniča
-slúžia k nahrávaniu nastavení do meniča


Adapter Plate, VLT2800 size C

Adapter plate, VLT2800 size C
VLT 2822 220 - 240 V, PD2
VLT 2840 200-240 volts
VLT 2855-2875 380-480 volts


VLT®Memory Module MCM 103

Memory module (MM) with Profibus converter
for VLT® Midi Drive FC280.
With the VLT® memory module Profibus converter
MCM 103 can transfer data between
Memory module and the VLT® Midi Drive FC280
be transmitted.
- Make a full backup
all data / parameters (backup)
- Activation of the VLT® 2800 Profibus Converter
for FC280
- Restore data / settings
- Transfer of preconfigured parameters
settings on the drive or on a drive
- Activate the Profibus converter
- Downward compatibility to VLT2799 installations
with Profibus communication
- prevents the new FC280 from being in the PLC program
must be created again or new GSD files are needed
