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Shows 4 716 product(s)
DCcoil 75kW T4 for frame H7
DCcoil 37kW T4 for frame I6
Dual IGBT Module 1400V 150A
All 3 modules must be replaced due to foil design!!
Front cover right with option
Front cover right without option
DC bus capacitor 5300uF 450V
DC bus capacitor 3700uF 450V
DC bus capacitor 4500uF 450V
IP20, DC Bus capacitor 4500mf 450V
DC bus capacitor 3800uF 500V
DC bus capacitor 2700uF 500V
Accessory bag for framesize I6
fc-101 hvac basic drive acc.bag, i7
fc-101 hvac basic drive acc.bag, i8
Thyristor Module 2200V 115A
Thyristor Module 2200V 128A
Thyristor Module 128A
Frame for LCP for framsize I and H
Dual IGBT Module 1700V 300A
DC coil 22kW T4/6
DC coil 30kW T4/6 and 15kW T2
DC coil 45kW T4/6 and 22kW T2
DC coil 55kW T4/6 and 30kW T2
DC coil 90kW T4/6 and 45kW T2 frame C4
spare, inductor, DC-link, dc-coil ho75/no90kW, c4
Loadsharing terminal with wire for B4
Switch Mode Power Sp 15kW 200V H5 filter
Switch Mode Power Sp 22kW 500V H5 filter
Switch Mode Power Sp 30kW 500V H5 filter
Switch Mode Power Sp 22kW 400V H5 filter
Switch Mode Power Sp 30kW 400V H5 filter
Transducer Card 500V Marine Frame C2 C4
Transducer Card 200V Marine Frame C2 C4
Power Card 11-30kW 690V H5 filter
Switch Mode Power Sp 11kW 690V H5 filter
Switch Mode Power Sp 15kW 690V H5 filter
SMPS 18,5kW 690V H5 filter
Switch Mode Power Sp 22kW 690V H5 filter
Switch Mode Power Sp 30kW 690V H5 filter
Power Card 37kW 690V H5 filter
Power Card 45kW 690V H5 filter