Scroll compressor, SH120A9ALC


Refrigerants: R410A, Segment usage: Air conditioning, Compressor power supply [V]: 380/3/60, Packing format: Single pack

Product details

Bruto gewicht 69.78 Kilogram
Netto gewicht 64 Kilogram
Volume 0.23 Cubic meter
EAN 5702428549233


Aandraaimoment voor bevestiging [Nm] 15 N-m
Aansluittype Soldeer
Aantal starts per uur [max.] 12
Afmeting zuigaansluiting [inch] 1 3/8 in
Approval CE
Brand technique Scroll compressor
Capaciteitsregeling Vaste snelheid
CE evaluated Yes
China RoHS compliance Yes exceed limitations
Colour Blue
Configuratiecode Enkel
Contain batteries No
Description SH120-9
Diameter [mm] 243 mm
Discharge connection pipe size [in] 7/8 in
Discharge connection size [in] 7/8 in
Drawing number 8560003
Economizer Nee
EU RoHS compliance Yes with exemptions
EU RoHS exemption clause 7(c)-I
Family SH
Fitting standard ODF
Frequentie [Hz] 60
Gauge port HP GEEN
Gauge port LP Schrader
Glass mounting Threaded
Glass torque [Nm] 50 N-m
High Side TS Max 150 °C
High Side TS Min -35 °C
High Side Volume 0.7 L
High value of nominal voltage at 60Hz [V] 380 V
High value of voltage range at 60Hz [V] 418 V
Hoogte persaansluiting [mm] 509 mm
Hoogte zuigaansluiting [mm] 278 mm
HP fabriek [bar] 0 bar
IP protection class IP54 (with cable gland)
Low Side TS Max 55 °C
Low Side TS Min -35 °C
Low Side Volume 13.6 L
Low value of nominal voltage at 60Hz [V] 380 V
Low value of voltage range at 60Hz [V] 342 V
LP fabriek [bar] 0 bar
LRA 160 A
Max pressure (PS) - high side 48.7 bar
Max pressure (PS) - low side 33.3 bar
Maximale werkstroom [MOC] 29 A
MCC 35 A
Model number SH120A9ALC
Motorbeveiliging Inwendige overbelastingsbeveiliging
Network power supply [V/Ph/Hz] 380-400/3/60
Oil type POE
Oliereferentie 160SZ
Olievereffening 1-3/4'' rotolock
Olievulling [l] 3.3 L
Packing format Single pack
Phase 3
Product group Hermetic compressors
Product Name Description Scroll compressor SH
REACH Candidate List substances Lead (CAS no. 7439-92-1)
Refrigerant charge [kg] [Max] 7.9 kg
Refrigerants R410A
RLA 25 A
Rotational speed at 60Hz [rpm] 3500 rpm
SCIP dossier no. bff3e2c3-5aad-40f0-b874-7eee67aaf788
SCIP dossier product name CSHD092-183/DSF090-200/DSH090-184/SH090-184/SJ161/WSH090-184
Segment usage Air conditioning
Slagvolume [cm3] 116.9 cm³
Stroomaansluitingen Schroef 4,8mm
Suction connection material -
Suction connection pipe size [in] 1 3/8 in
Technology Scroll
Test dif [bar] [Max] 37 bar
Test HP [bar] [Max] 48.7 bar
Test LP [bar] [Max] 33.3 bar
Torque earth [Nm] 2 N-m
Torque power [Nm] 3 N-m
Totale hoogte [mm] 540 mm
Type SH120
U.S. EPA label For installations using U.S. EPA restricted refrigerants, this product may be used for servicing existing equipment only.
UK RoHS compliance Yes with exemptions
UK RoHS exemption clause 19
UL evaluated Yes
Verpakkingsbreedte [mm] 370 mm
Verpakkingsgewicht [kg] 66 kg
Verpakkingshoeveelheid 1
Verpakkingshoogte [mm] 596 mm
Verpakkingslengte [mm] 470 mm
Verzonden bevestiging Montagekit met doorvoerogen, bouten, moeren, moffen en sluitringen
Verzonden instructies Installatie-instructies
Verzonden olie Initiële olieverversing
Viscositeit [cP] 32 cP
Voeding compressor [V] 380/3/60
Wikkelweerstand voor driefasige compressoren met identieke wikkelingen [ohm] 0.72 Ohm


Spare Parts






Software and firmware to extend functionality