BOCK, HGZX7/1620-4 R404A/R507, Two-stage compressor


Refrigerants: R404A, Compressor power supply [V]: 380-420V Y/YY -3- 50Hz PW, Oil type: BOCKlub E55, Anti-vibration pads: No, Legacy BOCK ID: 14415

Podatki o izdelku

Bruto masa 372.051 Kilogram
Neto masa 313.151 Kilogram
Volume 657.816 Liter
EAN 5715162616093


Anti-vibration pads No
Aplikacije LBP
Barva Blue (standard)
Description Compressor HGZX7/1620-4 R404A/R507
Discharge connection comments Standard
Discharge connection comments Soldering
Discharge connection comments Standard
Discharge connection comments Soldering
Discharge connection size [mm] 35 mm
Family HGZ Two-stage Compressors
Faza 3
Frequency Hz 50
Hladilna sredstva R404A
Ime izdelka Reciprocating compressor HGZ
Ime izdelka v dokumentu SCIP HG(Z)(X)7/…. – series
Legacy BOCK ID 14415
Liquid Subcooler Mounted
Max pressure (PS) - high side 28 bar
Max pressure (PS) - low side 19 bar
Motor protection MP10 230V AC
Napajanje kompresorja [V] 380-420V Y/YY -3- 50Hz PW
Oil differential pressure sensor No
Oil pressure safety switch No
Oil service valve No
Oil sump heater 220-240V AC
Oil temperature sensor No
Oil type BOCKlub E55
Oznaka vrste HGZX7/1620-4 R404A/R507
Podvržen (uredbi) OEEO No
Razred IP IP65
Skupina izdelkov Semi-hermetic compressors
Snovi s seznama potencialno nevarnih snovi REACH Lead (CAS no. 7439-92-1)
6,6'-di-tert-butyl-2,2'-methylenedi-p-cresol (CAS no. 119-47-1)
Standard za pridobitev soglasja No
Suction connection size [mm] 54 mm
Tehnologija Two-stage compressor
Thermal protection thermostat No
U.S. EPA label For installations using U.S. EPA restricted refrigerants, this product may be used for servicing existing equipment only.
Valj 6
Velikost priključka tlačna stran [in] 1 3/8 in
Velikost sesalnega priključka [in] 2 1/8 in
Vsebuje baterije No
Znamka BOCK
Št. dokumenta SCIP 3674593f-79aa-4f32-a903-6f30873656a7
Številka modela HGZX7/1620-4 R404A/R507


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Programska oprema

Software and firmware to extend functionality