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Se muestra(n) 584 producto(s)
Adapter Plate, 338x279mm
With the adapter plate you can replace a VLT® 3000 by a FC drive withouthaving to drill new holes for the FC drive. This makes it easy and fastto replace a VLT® 3000, and as there will be no drilling there will beno swarf harming the electric components.
It is possible to install one or two FC drives in the same place as oneVLT® 3000. Or one FC drive with a full size C Option (e.g. MCO305).
The following VLT® 3000 can be mounted on the Adapter Plate 130B0056:
IP00/21: 220/380/500Volt VLT3002-3004 with no brake
Adapter Plate, 415x279mm
With the adapter plate you can replace a VLT® 3000 by a FC drive withouthaving to drill new holes for the FC drive. This makes it easy and fastto replace a VLT® 3000, and as there will be no drilling there will beno swarf harming the electric components.
It is possible to install one FC drive with or without C Option in thesame place as one VLT® 3000.
The following VLT® 3000 can be mounted on the Adapter Plate 130B0058:
IP20: 220/380/500Volt VLT3002-3004 with brake, 380/500Volt VLT3006-3008with no brake
IP21: 220/380/500Volt VLT3002-3004 with brake, 380/500Volt VLT3006-3008with no brake
IP54: 220Volt VLT3002-3004 with no brake, 220Volt VLT3004 with brake,380/500Volt VLT3002-3004 with brake, 380/500Volt VLT3002-3006 with nobrake
Adapter Plate, 395x90mm
With the adapter plate you can replace a VLT® 5/6/8000 by a FC drive
without having to drill new holes for the FC drive. This makes it easy
and fast to replace a VLT® 5/6/8000, and as there will be no drilling
there will be no swarf harming the electric components. The following
VLT® 5/6/8000 can be mounted on the Adapter Plate 130B0183:
IP20 Book: 200-240Volt VLT5001-5003/VLT6002-6003, 380/500Volt
VLT5001-5005, 380-460Volt VLT6002-6005
Adapter Plate, 395x130mm
With the adapter plate you can replace a VLT® 5/6/8000 by a FC drive
without having to drill new holes for the FC drive. This makes it easy
and fast to replace a VLT® 5/6/8000, and as there will be no drilling
there will be no swarf harming the electric components.
The following VLT® 5/6/8000 can be mounted on the Adapter Plate
IP20 Book: 200-240Volt VLT5004-5006/VLT6004-6005, 380/500Volt
380-460Volt VLT6006-6011
Adapter Plate, 395x220mm
With the adapter plate you can replace a VLT® 5/6/8000 by a FC drivewithout having to drill new holes for the FC drive. This makes it easyand fast to replace a VLT® 5/6/8000, and as there will be no drillingthere will be no swarf harming the electric components.
The following VLT® 5/6/8000 can be mounted on the Adapter Plate130B0185:
IP20 Compact: 200-240Volt VLT5001-5006, 380/500Volt VLT5001-5011
IP20/NM1: 200-240Volt VLT6002-6005, 380/460Volt VLT6002-6011,380-480Volt VLT8006-8011, 550-600Volt VLT 5001-5011, 525-690VoltVLT8002-8011