AME 13 SD-1, Supply voltage [V] AC: 24, 12 s/mm, 5.50 mm


AME 13 SD-1, 24 V, 5 mm, UL certified actuator with Spring Down Safety function for modulating control for AB-QM DN 10-32

제품 세부정보

총 중량 0.87 Kilogram
순중량 0.86 Kilogram
Volume 1.606 Liter
EAN 5710104094304


Actuator speed [s/mm] 12 s/mm
Actuator type Electrical
Cable included 없음
China RoHS compliance Out of scope
Closing force [N] 300 N
Compatibility with AB-QM size ½-1¼”
Contain batteries No
Control characteristic LIN
Control input signal Y [mA] 0(4) - 20 mA
Control input signal Y [V] 0(2) - 10 V
Control signal type Modulating/3-point
Description AME 13 SD-1, 24 V, 5 mm, UL certified actuator with Spring Down Safety function for modulating control for AB-QM DN 10-32
EU RoHS compliance Yes with exemptions
EU RoHS exemption clause 6(c)
Grade of enclosure IP54
IP 보호 클래스 IP54
Operating torque [Nm] 300 N-m
Protection Class of the Coating II
REACH 후보 목록 물질 Lead (CAS no. 7439-92-1)
Safety function Spring down
SCIP 서류 번호 c590a8c0-b0bc-411b-b1a0-d05b04efee26
SCIP 서류 제품 이름 AME 13
Spindle speed [s/mm] 12 s/mm
Spring down (return) ¿¹
Spring up 없음
Stroke [mm] 5.5 mm
UK RoHS compliance Out of scope
공급 전압 [V] AC 24 V
승인 표준 UL 60730
용도 Heating and cooling
전력 소비 [W] 9 W
제품군 Gear actuators
주변 온도 [°C] [최대] 55 °C
주변 온도 [°C] [최소] 0 °C
주파수 [Hz] 50/60 Hz
형식 AME 13 SD-1


스페어 파트






Software and firmware to extend functionality