Shows 43 product(s)
App Module for Master Controller to enable wifi and APP control on Danfoss Icon
App Module for Master Controller to enable wifi and APP control on Danfoss Icon
Floor Heating Controls, Danfoss Icon™ 230V RT wired, Room Thermostat, 230.0 V, Output voltage [V] AC: 230, Number of channels: 0, On-wall
Danfoss Icon Dial, 230V, ON-WALL 86x86, Wired 230V
Floor Heating Controls, Danfoss Icon™ 230V RT wired, Room Thermostat, 230.0 V, Output voltage [V] AC: 230, Number of channels: 0, In-wall
Danfoss Icon Programmable 230V, IN-WALL 88x88, Wired 230V
Floor Heating Controls, Danfoss Icon™ 230V RT wired, Room Thermostat, 230.0 V, Output voltage [V] AC: 230, Number of channels: 0, On-wall
Danfoss Icon Programmable 230V, ON-WALL 86x86, Wired 230V
Floor Heating Controls, Danfoss Icon™ 24V RT wired, Room Thermostat, 24.0 V, Output voltage [V] AC: 24, Number of channels: 0, In-wall
Danfoss Icon RT 24V, Display In-wall 80x80, Wired 24V
Floor Heating Controls, Danfoss Icon™ 230V RT wired, Room Thermostat, 230.0 V, Output voltage [V] AC: 230, Number of channels: 0, On-wall
Danfoss Icon Display 230V, ON-WALL 86x86, Wired 230V
Floor Heating Controls, Danfoss Icon™ 230V RT wired, Room Thermostat, 230.0 V, Output voltage [V] AC: 230, Number of channels: 0, In-wall
Danfoss Icon Programmable 230V, IN-WALL, CHINA ONLY 86x86, Wired 230V
Floor Heating Controls, Danfoss Icon™ 230V RT wired, Room Thermostat, 230.0 V, Output voltage [V] AC: 230, Number of channels: 0, In-wall
Danfoss Icon Display 230V, IN-WALL, EU+Rest of world 80x80, Wired 230V
Floor Heating Controls, Danfoss Icon™ RT wireless, Room Thermostat, 3.0 V, Number of channels: 0, On-wall
Icon RT, Wireless Display On-wall, Wireless
Floor Heating Controls, Danfoss Icon™ RT wireless, Room Thermostat, 3.0 V, Number of channels: 0, On-wall
Icon RT, Wireless Infrared On-wall, Wireless
Floor Heating Controls, Danfoss Icon™ RT wireless, Room Thermostat, 3.0 V, Number of channels: 0, On-wall
Icon RT, Wireless Dial On-wall, Wireless
Floor Heating Controls, Danfoss Icon, Radio module, 5.0 V, Number of channels: 0, Attachable
For wireless connection to 24 V Master Controllers, Wireless
Floor Heating Controls, Danfoss Icon, Expansion module, 230.0 V, Number of channels: 0, Attachable
Global away, cooling input, dew point sensor, cooling change-over, supply temperature control, Wired 24V