Kompresijske spojke za jeklene in bakrene cevi, G 3/4", 14, Ponikljan


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Cu/Steel fittings for pipe 14 mm

Podatki o izdelku

Bruto masa 0.053 Kg
Neto masa 0.052 Kg
Volume 0.086 Liter
EAN 5702420033372


Delovni tlak [bar] [Maks] 10 bar
Description Cu/Steel fittings for pipe 14 mm
Dimenzije cevi [mm] 14
Dokončaj Ponikljan
EU RoHS compliance Yes with exemptions
EU RoHS exemption clause 6(c)
In scope of WEEE and contain batteries No
Navoj Notranji
Oznaka izdelka Yes
Preskusni tlak [bar] 16 bar
Priključki G 3/4"
Skupina izdelkov Compression fittings
Snovi s seznama potencialno nevarnih snovi REACH Lead (CAS no. 7439-92-1)
Temperatura dovoda [°C] [Maks] 120 °C
Tip Compression fittings for steel and copper tubings
Uporaba za jeklo in baker
Za cevi Jeklo in baker
Za ventile Spojke
Razdelilnik CFD
RA 15/6T
RA 15/6TB
RA-C 15


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