Product details

Gross weight 0.01 Kilogram
Net weight 0.01 Kilogram


Alarming Alarms are logged with date and time stamp
Logging of alarm acknowledgment
Logging of all alarms (sensor break, error of energy consumption meter, communication error)
Application key compatibility P330, A337, A347, A367, A266, A230, A260, A377
Control Entering a min. and max. heat consumption per electronic controller per day
Overview and changeability of all controller setpoints and configuration values
Overview and changeability of all current switch settings (Mode, remote controls and day/night potentiometer per circuit)
Overview and variability of holiday circulation and boiler load times as well as Legionella heating times
Overview of the settings of installed pressure transmitters and leakage warning devices in the network
Data communication All data must be bidirectional interchangeable
All energy consumption meters into the boiler house must be includable via M-Bus in the visualization
Central synchronization of date and time with the SCADA system
Central update capability for all the connected electronic controller via the network
Controller program updates as well as heat meter protocol changes must be carried out centrally via the bus system
Differential pressure transmitters in the network can be read and send to a serial interface (0-10 V / 4-20 mA) and displayed
End user errors are detected and can be corrected using the SCADA system
Monitoring of a leakage warning device connected to a free input port at the electronic controller
The electronic controller can be enabled via the remote but also locked
The electronic controller can be reconfigured by the SCADA system
Use of OPC UA Server (Microsoft independent)
Data communication interfaces Ethernet, RS485, LON
Data communication protocols Modbus
Data logging and import/export Creating a backup file with all the controller parameters for all customer which are connected to the SCADA system
Logging of all changes of setpoints (with date, time, user, old value, new value)
Logging of user login
Microsoft independent data storage
Readout of the energy consumption meter month storage and log storage by the SCADA system
Exporting customer data, setpoints, historical and present data to other file formats
Description DECS
Graphical User interface Web-based
In scope of WEEE and contain batteries No
Monitoring and visualization Complete hydraulic representation of the controlled circuits
Configuration of the qualifying date by the SCADA system
Display and evaluation of different billing rates
Display of current efficiency
Display of the number of controllers that are used for power calculation
Display of the settlement or city plan and direct selection of the customer
Display of the sums of the amounts of heat between two or more parts of network
Display the instantaneous power of the overall network and or multiple parts of network
Displays the number of currently reachable energy consumption meters and controllers
Flow management with analysis options per customer
Input of customers, arithmetic unit numbers and account numbers per customer for external billing file
Input of the qualifying date for energy consumption meters
Overview of all controllers
Overview of the individual heat meter data per customer
Possibility of visualization and control of various freely definable parts of network
Restriction window for filtering certain temperature ranges
Sort the customer overview by name, inst. power, inst. flow rates, flow and return temperatures, prim. tank temperatures etc.
Statistical analysis of the boiler house data (graphical and tabular)
Statistical analysis per customer for all setpoints, actual values ​​and energy consumption meters (graphical and tabular)
Sum of the sensed heat quantity of the current season
Sums of the instantaneous power
Sums of the total amount of taken off heat
Qm-evaluation per boiler house, network and customer equipment can be evaluated
Number of controllers [Max] 1200
Product group SCADA solutions
Supported controllers ECL Comfort 310, OPR0010, OPR0020
User authorization levels full access, limited access, read-only access
User interface Automatic configuration of the customer system on the host computer if connected to the SCADA System
Use of freely scalable SVG graphics guarantees, hardware independent, always the highest possible resolution


Spare Parts






Software and firmware to extend functionality