Please verify the following characteristics. [RFI Filter, Brake & Stop, Mains Option, Adaptation A, Adaptation B, Special Version, Software Language Pack, Control Card]
Complete the configuration by selecting the highlighted options.

Configure product

VLT® Midi Drive FC 280

Select your base selections to your new product

Number of errors in this group:
(FC-) VLT® Midi Drive FC-
(280) 280
(E20) IP20 / Chassis
RFI Filter: Please select an option.
(B) Brake chopper
(X) No display
(C) Coated PCB
(X) No mains options
(X) No Adaption
(X) No Adaption
Special Version: Please select an option.
(X) Standard language pack
Control Card: Please select an option.
(K1) K1
(FC-280PK75T4E20__BXC) FC-280PK75T4E20__BXC
(XXX____X__) XXX____X__
(GLBL) Global (Standard)
(2.800) 2.8
(2.500) 2.5
(3.5) 3.5
(3.5) 3.5
(2.2) 2.2
(2.1) 2.1
(30) 30
(1.5) 1.5
(0.75) 0.75
(210.0) 210.0
(75.0) 75.0
(168.0) 168.0
(FC-280PK75T4E20__BXC) FC-280PK75T4E20__BXC
(XXX____X__) XXX____X__
(ERR01) ERR01