Please verify the following characteristics. [RFI Filter, Brake & Stop, Mains Option, Adaptation A, Adaptation B, Special Version, Software Language Pack, Control Card]

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VLT® Midi Drive FC 280

Select your base selections to your new product

(FC-) VLT® Midi Drive FC-
(280) 280
(E20) IP20 / Chassis
(B) Brake chopper
(X) No display
(C) Coated PCB
(X) No mains options
(X) No Adaption
(X) No Adaption
(SXXX) Latest release
(X) Standard language pack
(K1) K1
(FC-280P2K2T4E20H2BXC) FC-280P2K2T4E20H2BXC
(GLBL) Global (Standard)
(2.800) 2.8
(2.500) 2.5
(8.5) 8.5
(8.5) 8.5
(5.3) 5.3
(4.8) 4.8
(74) 74
(3.7) 3.7
(2.2) 2.2
(210.0) 210.0
(75.0) 75.0
(168.0) 168.0
(B901) (B901) Factory DK
(FC-280P2K2T4E20H2BXC) FC-280P2K2T4E20H2BXC
(B901) B901