Heating Cables, EChotwatt, 9W/m@55°C, 305.00 m, Supply voltage [V] AC: 230


Cable type: Twin conductor, Product version: Drum, Heating principle: Self-limiting, Application: Domestic hot water


總重 112 Gram
淨重 110 Gram
Volume 0.156 Liter
EAN 5703466114377


Approval standard DIN 0254: 1994-06
Bending diameter [mm] [Min] 50 mm
Cable height [mm] 5.8 mm
Cable on drum
Cable output [W/m@°C] 9W/m@55°C
Cable screen Tinned copper braid
Cable width [mm] 11.8 mm
CE evaluated Yes
Certification company VDE
China RoHS compliance Out of scope
Cold lead 常開
Conductor insulation Self-limiting matrix
Contain batteries No
Cut to length 常開
Description EChotwatt 55 Green 305m drum
EU RoHS compliance Yes
EU RoHS exemption clause No
Filler material TPE
Flame retardant
Heating principle Self-limiting
Installation temperature [°C] [Min] -5 °C
Lead free
Non operating temperature [°C] [Max] 100 °C
Outer sheath TPE
Outer sheath colour Green
Package depth [mm] 380 mm
Package height [mm] 320 mm
Package width [mm] 380 mm
Screen braided coverage [%] [Min] 70 %
UK RoHS compliance Yes
UL evaluated Out of scope
UNSPSC CODE 26121601
UV Protected 常開
Warranty [Year] 5
Warranty type 5-year product warranty
型號 EChotwatt
導線長度 305 m
應用 Domestic hot water
操作溫度 [°C] [最大值] 80 °C
產品版本 Drum
產品群組 Heating Cables
認証 VDE
CE 認証
電源電壓 [V] AC 230 V
電纜類型 Twin conductor


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