Heating Mats, LXmat, 12 W/ft², 40 ft², Supply voltage [V] AC: 120


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Cable type: Twin conductor, Set accessories: No, Mat width [ft]: 2.0, Mat length [ft]: 20.0, Application: Floor heating


總重 2.54 Kilogram
淨重 2.515 Kilogram
Volume 22.739 Liter
EAN 5703466140192


Approval standard CLASS 2872 01
CLASS 2872 81
Cable resistance [Ohm] 30
Cable screen Alufoil 100%
Certification company C CSA US
China RoHS compliance Out of scope
Cold lead
Cold lead conductor quantity 2
Cold lead length [ft] 13 ft
Cold lead quantity 1
Cold lead size [mm²] 1 mm²
Cold lead type DTWB
Conductor insulation FEP
Contain batteries No
Coverage area [sq ft] 40 ft²
Current [A] [Max] 4 A
Deformation strength [N] 600 N
Description LX Mat 120V, 40 Sq. Ft., 480W
Element IP Class IPX7
EPD available Yes
EU RoHS compliance Out of scope
Flame retardant
Heating output [W] 480 W
Heating principle Serial resistive
Installation temperature [°F] 23 °F
Lead free
Mat length [ft] 20 ft
Mat output [W/ft²] 12 W/ft²
Mat width [ft] 2 ft
Non operating temperature [°F] [Max] 212 °F
Outer sheath PVC
Outer sheath colour Red
Pulling strength [N] 120 N
REACH Candidate List substances No
Set accessories No
UK RoHS compliance Out of scope
UL evaluated Out of scope
UV Protected 常開
Warranty [Year] 20
型號 LXmat
應用 Floor heating
操作溫度 [°F] [最大值] 149 °F
產品群組 Heating Mats
產品說明 LX Mat
認証 c CSA us
電源電壓 [V] AC 120 V
電纜直徑 0.19 in
電纜類型 Twin conductor


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