Accessories for Low Voltage Drives

Shows 559 product(s)


VLT® Relay Option MCB 105, coated

Relay extension for FC 100 and FC 300.
Extension with 3 additional load relays (changeover contacts),
easy to retrofit thanks to modular technology.
Painted version for harsh environments,
easy to retrofit thanks to modular technology.
Max. Load 240V AC (resistive): 2 A
Max. Load 240V AC (Cos Phi 0.4): 0.2 A
Max. Load 24V DC (ohmic): 1 A
Max. Load 24V DC (inductive): 0.1 A


VLT® General Purpose I/O MCB 101, ctd

MCB 101 - Advanced I / O option
Expands the number of freely programmable
Control inputs and outputs around the following I / Os:
- 3 digital inputs opto-decoupled 0 - 24 V.
- 2 analog inputs 0 - 10 V.
- 2 digital outputs NPN / PNP switchable 24 V
- 1 analog output 0/4 - 20 mA
with reinforced coating


VLT® Ext. Cascade Contr. MCO 101, ctd

Upgrades the built-in cascade controller to control multiple pumps
- easy to mount via plug ‘n’ play
- More advanced pump control in master / follower mode
- Up to 6 pumps in standard cascade control
- Up to 5 pumps in master / follower setup
This MCO option, sits in a B option space.
Danfoss can offer help with programming / setting up MCO options.
Contact Danfoss for advice and prices.
Product group: R


VLT® EtherNet IP MCA 121, coated

EtherNet/IP extends commercial off-the-shelf Ethernet to the Common
Industrial Protocol (CIP™) – the same upper-layer protocol and object
model found in DeviceNet. Built-in high-performance switch enabling
line-topology, and eliminating the need for external switches. Device
Level Ring (DLR) topology for higher system availability. Based on CIP™,
makes the reuse of PLC program possible when migrating from DeviceNet to
EtherNet/IP. Built-in web server provides remote diagnosis and reading
out of basic drive parameters. E-mail notification provides fast access
to warnings or alarm information. Unicast and Multicast communication
for improved network utilization. Certified by ODVA for fulfilment of
the newest standard.


VLT® Safe PLC I/O MCB 108, coated

Increases security and helps you meet requirement security levels
- VLT® AutomationDrive FC 302 has a safety input based on a
single pole 24 V DC input
- Security in a cost-effective way
Possibility of connection to two conductor safety system
Possibility to interrupt on the plus or minus side without disturbing
the sensor signal


VLT® Resolver Input MCB 103, coated

Resolver extension for FC 300. Enables the connection of the following
Resolver types:
Input voltage: 4..8 Vrms
Input frequency: 2.5..15 kHz
Number of resolver poles: 2 or 4


VLT® Motion Control MCO 305, coated

Integrated and programmable motion controller for VLT ® AutomationDrive FC 301 and FC 302
- Adds additional functionality and flexibility as it is a freely programmable module
- Optimized for all types of positioning and synchronization applications
- Make your own program specially adapted to your application
- synchronization (electronic shaft), positioning and electronic cam control
- 2 inputs support both stepwise and absolute encoders
- 1 encoder output (virtual master function)
10 digital inputs
- 8 digital outputs
- Sends and receives data via fieldbus interface (requires fieldbus option)
- PC software for programming and commissioning
Remember to order the Mounting kit if the above MCO option is required
130B7530 - Mounting kit for enclosures A2 and A3
130B7531 - Mounting kit for MCO Option,
together with MCB 113, in enclosures A2 and A3
130B1413 - Mounting kit for enclosure B3
130B1414 - Mounting kit for MCO Option,
together with MCB 113, in enclosure B3
130B7532 - Mounting kit for enclosure A5
130B7533 - Mounting kit for all enclosures B, C, D, E and F (B3
Danfoss MCO options are not sold without prior advice.
Danfoss can offer help with programming / setting up MCO options.
Contact Danfoss for advice and prices.
Product group: R


VLT® PROFINET MCA 120, coated

MCA 120 PROFINET interface
With reinforced coating (class 3C3 / IEC 60721-3-3)
-Supports operation on PROFINET network with extensive
-DCP support for easy setting u. Communication parameters via the PLC
-on Board web-Page with Drive Status
-parameterization with the MCT10 software
- 2-port version, reduced external hardware


VLT® Analog I/O Option MCB 109, coated

I / O extension for FC 100, easy to retrofit thanks to modular technology.
Analog inputs / outputs galvanically isolated.
Expands the analog inputs / outputs by:
3 analog inputs: 0 ... 10V / Pt1000 / Ni1000
3 analog outputs: 0 ... 10V
Time switch (RTC backup): lithium cell for 10 years


VLT® BACnet MCA 109, coated

A. Device profile: Application-Specific-Controller (B-ASC)
Supported objects: Analog Input, Analog Output, Analog Value, Binary
Input, binary output,
Binary Value, Device, Multi-State Output, Notification Class
Protocol: Building automation world standard ISO 16484-5
Data Link Layer: MS / TP 9600, 19200, 38400, 76800
Data sharing: ReadProperty-B, DS-RP-B
ReadPropertyMultiple-B, DS-RPM-B
WriteProperty-B, DS-WP-B
WritePropertyMultiple-B, DS-WPM-B
Alarm and Notification Internal-B, AE-N-I-B
Event Notification: ACK-B, AE-ACK-B
Information-B, AE-INFO-B
Device and Network Dynamic Device Binding-A, DM-DDB-A
Management: Dynamic Device Binding-B, DM-DDB-B


VLT® PROFIBUS Converter MCA 113, ctd

Ensures easy and quick replacement of VLT®3000 to VLT® AutomationDrive
VLT® 3000 can then be replaced by VLT® AutomationDrive or
- the system Can be expanded without costly changes to the PLC program
- Flexible investment as it is easy to remove and replace option when upgrading
to another fieldbus
Product group: R1


VLT® PROFIBUS Converter MCA 114, ctd

A special version of the PROFIBUS options that emulates VLT® 5000
commands in the VLT® AutomationDrive. The VLT® 5000 can be replaced by
the VLT® AutomationDrive, or an existing system can be expanded without
costly change of the PLC program. For upgrade to a different fieldbus,
the installed converter is easily removed and replaced with a new
option. This secures the investment without losing flexibility. The
option supports DPV1.


VLT® Synchronizing Ctrl. MCO 350, ctd

MCO 350 - synchronous controller
Based on the MCO 305 prefabricated controller for Synchronization tasks. The adjustment
takes place through parameter settings. Specific Programming skills are not required.
- 2 encoder inputs, both for incremental as well as absolute encoder
- 1 encoder output (virtual master function)
- 10 additional digital inputs
- 8 additional digital outputs
- fieldbus Communication (requires fieldbus card) with reinforced coating


VLT® Position Controller MCO 351, ctd

Extends the functional characteristics of the frequency converter in positioning
- Direct positioning via fieldbus, relative positioning, absolute positioning and
touch probe positioning
- End stop handling (software and hardware)
- Mechanical brake handling (programmable hold delay)
Error handling
- Jog speed / manual operation
- None for programming, as it is pre-programmed
Remember to order the Mounting kit if the above MCO option is required
130B7530 - Mounting kit for enclosures A2 and A3
130B7531 - Mounting kit for MCO Option,
together with MCB 113, in enclosures A2 and A3
130B1413 - Mounting kit for enclosure B3
130B1414 - Mounting kit for MCO Option,
together with MCB 113, in enclosure B3
130B7532 - Mounting kit for enclosure A5
130B7533 - Mounting kit for all enclosures B, C, D, E and F (B3
Danfoss MCO options are not sold without prior advice.
Danfoss can offer help with programming / setting up MCO options.
Contact Danfoss for advice and prices.
Product group: R


VLT® Adv. Cascade Contr. MCO 102, ctd

Upgrades the built-in cascade controller to control up to 8 pumps
- More advanced pump control in master / follower mode
- The same cascade management hardware applies to the entire power range up to 1.2 MW
- Up to 8 pumps in standard cascade control
- Up to 8 pumps in master / follower setup
Remember to order the Mounting kit if the above MCO option is required retrofitted.
130B7530 - Mounting kit for enclosures A2 and A3
130B1413 - Mounting kit for enclosure B3
130B7532 - Mounting kit for enclosure A5
130B7533 - Mounting kit for all enclosures B, C, D, E and F (B3excepted)
Danfoss MCO options are not sold without prior advice.
Danfoss can offer help with programming / setting up MCO options.
Contact Danfoss for advice and prices.
Product group: R


VLT® Extended Relay Card MCB 113, ctd

Adds 7 digital inputs and 2 analog outputs for increased flexibility. 4
SPDT relays. Meets NAMUR recommendations. Galvanic isolation capability.


VLT® Sensor Input Card MCB 114, coated

MCB 114 - PT100 / PT1000 option
For FC100-FC200 and FC302 (painted version)
Enables the evaluation of up to 3 PT 100 or 3 PT 1000 sensors
- Connection of 2 and 3 wire sensors
- Automatic detection of the sensor type
- Additional 4-20mA input


VLT® Modbus TCP MCA 122, coated

The first industrial Ethernet-based protocol for automation. Connects to
Modbus-TCP-based networks. Able to handle connection interval down to 5
ms in both directions, positioning it among the fastest performing
Modbus TCP devices in the market. For master redundancy it features hot
swapping between two masters.
