VLT® EtherNet/IP MCA 121,无涂层
MCA 121 EtherNet / IP interface
-Allows connection to EtherNet / IP based Automation systems via CIP (CommonInterface Protocol)
-2 port design reduces external components
-HTTP for diagnosis via built-in web server
-SMTP, DHCP and FTP protocols
-Prepared for parameterization with the MCT 10 software via TCP / IP
-Certified according to ODVA
VLT® Control Panel LCP 101,数字
Numerical control unit for FC 100 and FC 300. Allows access to all device parameters.
Quick menu for brief commissioning. Manual / auto switchover and alarm acknowledgment.
VLT® 通用 I/O MCB 101,无涂层
MCB 101 - Advanced I / O option
Expands the number of freely programmable Control inputs and outputs around the following I / Os:
- 3 digital inputs opto-decoupled 0 - 24 V.
- 2 analog inputs 0 - 10 V.
- 2 digital outputs NPN / PNP switchable 24 V
- 1 analog output 0/4 - 20 mA
LCP 安装套件盖板 IP55/66,8m
在别处安装 LCP 后为 IP55/ 66。8 米电缆一端为开放性的,包装中包含连接装置。不包括 LCP。
。该套件包括紧固件、8 米长电缆、衬垫和盖板,用来确保